Milestones of Display Elektronik GmbH

Our new, modernized website shows our expanded product range with many technical innovations and can be accessed from now on.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully passed the ISO 9001 recertification.

Display Elektronik GmbH currently introduced the new IPS TFT Series in sizes of 2,4" - 3,5" - 4,3” - 5" - 7". The IPS Technologie - well known from the mobile phone applications – offer a lot of advantages compared to the standard TN Technology.

Display Elektronik GmbH currently introduce some new LED Display products and therefore significantly enlarge the wide range of standard LED-Displays.

Display Elektronik GmbH completed a new additional warehouse, which allows to serve our direct customers and deliver to our worldwide distribution network.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully upgraded to new ISO 9001 standard.

Display Elektronik GmbH decided to realize a new additional warehouse to enlarge the warehouse capacity for a better stock availability as per market requirements.

Display Elektronik GmbH now offer a wide range of standard LED-Backlights suitable to our standard LCD Panels. Many different colours and variants with long lifetime are existing in a range which is nearly best in the market.
Display Elektronik GmbH currently enlarged the product range with TFT Modules ready for outdoor applications with extrem environmental conditions (automotive).

We currently renovated and updated our SHOWROOM. Therefore our customers and visit us and we can have interesting and effective meetings and show the newest and relevant Technologies for their new projects.
Display Elektronik currently introduce some MVA TFT Displays with improved viewing angle.

Display Elektronik GmbH enlarged the product range of standard OLED Displays significantly.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully passed the ISO 9001 recertification.

In aspect of improvements to service our customers we added a new functionality to filter the offered products. This helps customers to find the right and suitable display for his application.

Display Elektronik GmbH currently offer some new e-Paper Display for industrial applications and some monochrome TFT Modules as well.

We deliver displays and keypads since 1984 to the european industrial market.
Display Elektronik GmbH now is in the position to offer full-customized TFT-Displays. Besides the change of FPC and Backlights we are now in the position to offer full customized size and dimensioned TFT modules as per customers requirements also.
We are now in the position to realize full customized capacitive Touch-Panels as per customers requirements. Based on existing Touch-Panel-Solutions it is easy to change the Cover Glass to minimize the development cost. But for sure we also can realize full customized solutions using Touch Panel and TFT Modules.
Display Elektronik GmbH currently introduce TFT-Modules with intergated projective capacitive Touch-Panel (PCT). This new Touch-Panel Technologie is well known from the i-Phone and is now more and more available and getting standard for the industrial applications. As a first size we now offer a 7,0“ TFT Module with PCT.
Display Elektronik GmbH currently introduced different 10,4” TFT-Modules – on time for the Electronica 2012. Therefore our TFT product portfolio starts with 1,8“ and ends with our new 10,4“ – whereas the customer can chose between some different interfaces and brightness for our well running products such as 3,5“ - 4,3“ - 5,7“ and 7,0“. All in all Display Elektronik GmbH now offer a very wide TFT product range which is more than „State of the Art“.

Display Elektronik GmbH currently improved the optical performance of Automotive-STN (ASTN) Displays with a multiplex ratio of 1/128. This technology is well used for dashboard applications for the automotive market such as trucks, mini-bus or agriculture. The ASTN Technology allows a perfect optics for the monochrome negative mode over the full temperatur range between -35°C up to +85°C compared to other technologies. For higher duty such as 1/128 it is now possible to realize COG-Designs with better optical perforkmance over the full operating temperatur range.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully passed the ISO 9001 recertification.
Display Elektronik GmbH now can offer full customized OLED-Displays. Besides the standard alphanumeric and graphic OLED-Displays we now can realize full customized OLED-Displays based on customers requirements.
Display Elektronik GmbH now offer some new TFTs with 8-Bit-Parallel-MCU-Interface for Low-Cost-8080 Prozessor based systems (MCU). This interface helps customers to implement a TFT-Module even with 8080 based MCUs for example in existing applications. We start with some 3.5“, 4.3“ and 5.7“ TFT with this 8-Bit-Interface.
Display Elektronik GmbH now offers some spezial Interface Displays. As an offizial partner of Matrix Orbital we can supply their products to the european market from now. The reliable, fleible and easy to control serial interface such as RS422, I2C and USB are perfect to fast and reasy realize customers application and prototypes and series productions.

After Mr. Wagner founded the company in 1984 and now start into well-deserved retirement there is a change of ownership.
Mr. Hussmann - a long-term employee and already active in the management since 1999 - buys the company and will now continue the successful work as the owner.

As for customized segment displays we now offer a new technology which allows to change the colour of segments. Our RGB-Backlight in combination with FSC-Technology LCD and customized driving IC (COB, COG) allows a colorfull nice Displaytechnology which is cheaper than TFT. This technology is suitable for customized low cost 7-Segment LCD where a backligth is required.

Our sister company Indat Elektronik GmbH has more than 15-years experience offered the keypad products. Display Elektronik GmbH bought this business unit. Fom now we also deliver full customized silicone rubber keypads and membrane switches for the european market.
We now also offer COG Modules. This technology is suitable for cheaper prices in the production process finally. The Modules can be realized and delivered in reflective mode or transflective with white LED-Backlight (FSTN or STN-Blue) or with RGB-Backlight.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully passed the ISO 9001 recertification.
We now offer some C-STN (Color-STN) Modules. Compared to TFT the C-STN-Modules should have a better long term availability as not depending on TFT suppliers. Full customized solutions can be realized for smaller volumes and at economical price level.

Our new, modernized website shows our expanded product range with many technical innovations and can be accessed from now on.
We started to deliver TFT-Modules. Our first Sizes are 1,5“- 1,8“ - 2,0“ - 2,2“ - 3,2“ - 3,5“ - 5,7“.
All TFT-Modules are suitable for industrial applications with wide temperature range and long lifetime LED-Backlights. Semi-Customizations are possible here too. Based on existing TFT glass sizes we can do some changes based on customers requirements (for example FPC change etc.)

Display Elektronik bought a new climate chamber to do more professional temperature and climate reliability tests. This is important for approvals for our own product and in case of customers requirements.

In our showroom we can show many different LCD-Technologies and different models. Therefore our visitor more concrete can have a look on the optical performance to realize his project. The special customers requirement can be discussed and we can show a better solution here.
To fullfill our wide range of Graphic-Modules we added some more COB-Modules with Toshiba (T6963C) Controller with a resolution of 128x64, 128x128, 240x64, 240x128 and 320x240 Dots. For some modles we also offer the resistive Touch-Panel option.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully passed the ISO 9001 recertification.
Display Elektronik started a partnership with reliable and suitable IC-manufacturer Sitronix.
The CSTN-production line is realized and under operation. First prototypes (128xRGBx160 Punkten) are ready for the market.
We currently implemented some new OLED-Displays to our portfolio. We deliver some alphanumerical PLED (Polymer) - and graphical OLED-Modules.

We currently started our standard production line for LCD-Modules in accordance to the RoHS requirements (avoiding hazardous substances)

We currently started our standard production line for LCD-Panels in accordance to the RoHS requirements (avoiding hazardous substances)
With usage of special polarizers to meet the valid nm-spectre we achieve a better optical performance for negative mode LCD Modules. The negative performance with red backlight is bear to the LED optics.
The wide range of monochrome graphical Modules is enlarged by our new ¼ VGA-Displays. These do have a resolution of 320x240 Dots and CCFL-Backlight.
We have a new well equipped laboratorium. A new test room for our IQC is implemented in the incoming goods process. With this additional IQC we want to have a better reliability against our customers.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully upgraded to new ISO 9001 standard.
We currently introduced some new 7-Segment-Displays and Dot-Matrix-Displays.

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully passed the ISO 9001 recertification.
To enlarge our wide range of alphanumerical and graphical modules we added some models with different colors. Different LCD Technologies in combination with different LED Backlight colors results in different optical performances. Most common here is our new STN Blue negative mode with white LED Backlight.
With usage of sepcial cell technologies and special polarizers we can have different color transmissions and hologram effects. This technology is somehow valid for full customized applications where the design is important.

Our new COG-graphic modules with a resolution of 120x32 dots and 120x64 dots now represent the top of our FLEX-Modules. With a common width of 55mm customer can use either 2x16, 120x32 or 120x64 with the same housing window.
We generally decided to change our alphanumeric standard modules following the market requirements. Therefore we use a better liquid crystal fluid to realize the industrial wide temperature range without temperature compensation (VLCD = 4.5Volt)

Display Elektronik GmbH successfully passed the ISO 9001 recertification.
Our new warehouse allows to have enough stock to supply to the european market customers.
We fixed a well running distribution network for the most common european countries which helps to get e better market sales and reputation.
In aspect to have a better influence and stronger support we invested in our production partners.

Display Elektronik GmbH is now ISO 9001 certified for the first time.
This ensures that company processes are internally and externally monitored.
To achieve the ISO 9001:1994 certification and to have a better reliabiltiy against our customers we implemented a IQC processing in our company.

For many LCD applications customers are using silicone keypads, membrane switches, zebras and LED-Backlights. Therefore our sister company Indat Elektronik GmbH can offer this from now.
FSTN (black/white)-technology has a better contrast and viewing cone. FSTN is suitable for graphic modules and for customized products when best optical performance is required.

The new company building allows to have more space for stock and office as well as to invite customers for project discussions.
The STN technology is suitable for duty >1:8. This is required for alphanumerical and smaller graphical LCD modules. The price at least is higher than TN. We expect that STN technology will be the future standard for alphanumeric modules compared to TN technology.
We currently offer standard 7-Segment Panels and standard alphanumeric LCD Modules (TN).