Customized Bistable Modules
BISTABLE: Customized e-Paper Displays and Cholesteric LCD
- As a long-term partner of the processing industry we are specialized in customized solutions. We offer comprehensive support for customized developments, from a simple 7-Segment e-Paper displays or a bistable cholesteric LCD to a complete solution for a graphic module with interface, buttons or similar designs.
- The intensive exchange of information with our customers at an early stage of their project leads to optimum results. If we are involved in a development from the very beginning, we can give recommendations which are not generally known and are based on our long-term experience.
- Customized developments are divided into several phases, which have to be approved by our customers before the next step is undertaken. This procedure has proved to be very efficient, as it ensures that the customer is in full control of each step and the status of the development is clearly visible for all parties involved.
- On request (if there is a constantly running project) we can hold an interim stock for immediate shipment. This results in a significantly better availability and flexibility towards our customers.
- Customized solutions of Bistable Cholesteric LCD or Segment e-Paper Displays can be realized at economical prices with smaller or medium project volumes.
- Due to their TFT structure, customized solutions of Graphic e-Paper Displays require very high project volumes. But this would also be feasible if the project is big enough.
We look forward to receiving your inquiry - it is our pleasure to support you!